Monday, July 02, 2007


finished around 7 am today. this is probably the most work ive put into an outside project ever, and im glad to see it finally finished after going through all the stages of concept, to sketch, to composition, to pre-pencil, to inking, and then lettering.

our theme for this project was creation/destruction, so while reading national geographic one day read i an article that pretty much set this in my head. although it changed a lot from my initial idea, and with some advice and inspiration from my friend John Orlow it is what we have now. And, of course my sis posed for a lot of reference picture, which added a new level to the overall look.

Thanks to everyone who helped me out when it was rough, Bud for positive feedback, Sis for being a great model, Mom for being so supportive and Krystle, who said i could finish it even before i started.

maybe this is too much for just this project, but if you were bored, then you proably already started reading it. :P

it will be available to buy with a collection of others stories eventually @

Thank you again to everyone


this is: "SUPERNOVA"


1 comment:

Unknown said...

badass. very well done. i like how you did the end page..although i have no clue how you did it...white ink on black paper? and i also like how you made use of the ink. im not going to give you the whole art critic - i just like it as it is, good feel of motion..thats what makes it credible.